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Don't lose money
Learn the proper


Easy Equities Course 

Starting your journey 

Great Value


Once-Off Payment to learn how to make money by investing with a clear process.

Valid for 12 months

6 hours of Video Lessons

Monthly Research Insights

Research Template

WhatsApp and Zoom Support

12 months Guidance

What Do You Get?

Live one-on-one Sessions

Get on Zoom and learn and practice with me. Our Sessions are one-on-one and you can book them according to your own schedule and preferred learning pace

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Research & Analysis Pack

You will receive my Research and Analysis Pack. This is a template for getting information and do price analysis on assets on Tradingview.

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WhatsApp and Email Alert

Chat to me via Email and WhatsApp whenever you need help with your investing and discussing ideas that you wish to try on your portfolio 

Investing Mentorship

One-on-One Program 

Most Popular

1 299

Once-Off Payment for One-on-One Training and 12 Months Guidance

Valid for one year

12 hours of Video

12 one-on-one sessions

12 months guidance

Watch lists with video insights

Research templates

Technical Analysis Pack

WhatsApp and Zoom Support

Book Free Call to Learn more

  • via Zoom/WhatsApp

    a session to help you find out if my programs are right for you

    15 min


What will You learn? 3 Principles...

Analyze Companies and do Research.

Learn the key research methods and approaches that will enable you to come up with high quality investment ideas. You will get to understand Company Reports, Financial Statements, Industry evaluations etc.  Get my Research Pack and Data Sources to help you analyze companies and choose the right ones to invest in.

Share Price and Market Analysis

Investing in good assets is not enough, You also have to know how the price of the asset is moving. Learn how to analyze the market and make predictions on the future prices of assets.  Learn to use various analysis methods such as technical analysis and market behavior.

Build prediction models and watch yourself make money

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The Right Strategy

To invest successfully you must have a clear and repeatable process. You will learn how to achieve two objectives.. Monthly Income and Long-term Growth using a process and strategy. Choose for yourself what you want from investing and achieve it.

  • Can I use any brokerage account?
    Yes, you may use any brokerage account. However, remember that the broker you use affects the performance of your investments based on the broker's fee structure. In the mentorship program we will be using Easy Equities, Trading212 and Interactive Brokers because of the reasonable fees and service quality. Lower brokerage fees result in better profit margins (in theory)
  • How much money should I have in my brokerage account?
    You do not need any money in your brokerage account to do the mentorship program however after the mentorship you need money in your account to start investing. Depending on your broker, you may have access to fractional shares. If you do, then you may have any amount of money in your account as you would be able to execute any investment.
  • When can I do my Mentorship Sessions?
    All sessions can be booked according to your schedule. You can log-in to the website and book your sessions, select a date and time, confirm the booking and then receive a Zoom link to enter the session for your chosen day and time. All sessions are one-on-one.
  • What learning material do I get?
    Session Recordings: The sessions are recorded, and you will receive a copy of the recordings so you can re-watch the sessions whenever you want to. All sessions are one-on-one and all content from the sessions is treated with strict confidence. After the recordings are sent to you, they are destroyed and deleted on the Money Monday's server, meaning you would be the only person with recordings of your own sessions. Learning Notes: For most sessions you will receive notes to read plus quizzes to help you learn better.
  • How much does the Mentorship Program cost?
    The Mentorship Program costs R1299.
  • How do I pay?
    You can pay online via debit/cheque/credit card or contact Money Mondays directly to receive EFT details and reference number.
  • Do you offer a free trial?
    No, there is no trial period at all.
  • Do you offer Refunds?
    Money Mondays has a strict NO REFUND POLICY. This is because it is impossible to verify or not if you have benefited from the service and it is also impossible to take back the unused service. However, Refunds are at the discretion of Money Mondays, and may be issued for particular situations.
  • Do you have any relation to Trading212?
    No we do not represent Trading212. We are however Trading212 affiliates and so do earn a once-off fee for customers who sign-up through our link. This does not affect the recommendations that the alert system provides as my compensation is not based on your trades and positions in the Trading212 App or account.
  • Do you have any relation to Easy Equities or Purple Group?
    No, I have no relation to either Easy Equities or Purple Group. I just love the brands and believe in their mission and their service. I however do hold a very tiny insignificant amount of Purple Group shares, this does not however make me a representative of Purple Group or Easy Equities and thus Easy Equities or Purple Group are indemnified from actions I take that may be perceived as a representation of them.
  • What if I am I unhappy with your service?
    If you are unhappy with the service you receive from me, then please contact me via email at: or via WhatsApp business line on 069 597 1378 and I will gladly talk to you. Complaints are resolved in a step-by-step process in this order: 1. I receive the complaint 2. I contact you to discuss the complaint 3. I establish if there is a remedy for the nature of the complaint 4. I report back to you and discuss the matter.
  • General Disclaimer
    Any advice/recommendation contained in this website is general advice only meant to serve educational purposes and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should not rely on any advice and/or information contained in this website alone and before making any formal investment decision we recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your situation and seek appropriate financial, taxation and legal advice within your own country.
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